- Operation Time: 1 Hour
- Anesthesia: General/Anesthesia
- Hospitalization: 1 Day
- Suture Removal: No
- Recovery: 1 Week
What is protruded mouth surgery (Anterior Segmental Osteotomy)?
Performed when both the ulitis and teeth are protruded.
The surgery is suitable when both the ulitis and teeth are protruded.
Extract 2 premolars behind the canines (2 upper, 2 lower) and push the protruding ulitis and teeth into the site of tooth extraction to improve the protrusion problem.
The area affected by the surgery is limited to the region around the mouth and does not bring about change in the jaw joints. For this reason, it is not suitable when chin revision is required for a long face or facial asymmetry.
Special Features of VIEW’s protruded mouth surgery
1. Natural Shape Of The Mouth
- The precise planning and surgery without the slightest error by the Dream Team of Facial Bones comes up with clear-cut results.
2. Appearance Enhancement
- Rich surgery experience and excellent aesthetic sense of cosmetic surgeons can dramatically improve your appearance.
3. Bone Scalpel
- It only reacts with the bones without damaging important nerves and blood vessels for the safe and precise surgery.
Bone Scalpel Enhancing The Accuracy
The bone scalpel is an ultrasonic device which cuts the bones by responding only to the bone tissues.
It has less vibration within 0.5mm enabling a very precise surgery, protects nearby blood vessels and nerves by responding only to bones, causes less tissue damages and bleeding and provides quick recovery.
When you need cheekbone surgery
1. If you have protruding teeth and gums and your lips look thick
2. If your mouth looks unnatural and you have to force it to close
3. Smile with appearance of a lot of gums
4. If your nose and forehead look relatively low due to the protruded mouth.
Surgery Method
Over-correction might be caused and you might have an appearance of a toothless person when the ulitis is pushed too far into the empty space where teeth was extracted from during the protruded mouth surgery.
To prevent over-correction, precise planning should be performed to move the ulitis to the proper position and then, orthodontic treatment should be provided to fill in the remaining site of tooth extraction.
1. Create space by extracting 4 premolars behind the canines.
2. Push the ulitis and teeth into the site of tooth extraction and fix it in place.
3. Fill in the remaining site of tooth extraction through orthodontic treatment.
Fill in the remaining site of tooth extraction through orthodontic treatment.
Performing protruded mouth surgery may improve the protruded mouth when it is accompanied by a long or short chin, but the problem of a long or short chin will remain.
Performing protruded mouth surgery may improve the protruded mouth when it is accompanied by a long or short chin, but the problem of a long or short chin will remain.