- Operation Time: 1 Hour & 30 Minutes
- Anesthesia: Sedation Anesthesia
- Hospitalization: Same Day Discharge
- Suture Removal: 3 or 7 Days
- Recovery: Depending on the surgery
What is eyelid revision?
The operation improves upon the former surgery if you want to change the eye shape due to aesthetic or functional dissatisfaction or face various problems after the surgery.
This difficult surgery requires skills because it needs more time and effort than the previous one and it is important to receive the surgery from plastic surgeons with a lot of clinical experience to understand the cause of the reoperation and solve problems.
When eyelid revision is possible
Early operation is possible in some cases but in general, the eyelid revision is recommended 6 months after the previous operation.
However, in most cases, the eye tissue stabilizes 6 months after the surgery. Therefore, you must consult with a medical specialist to prevent secondary or tertiary reoperation because the timing of the reoperation depends on the circumstances.
01. When the redness around the operation wound disappears
02. When the wound becomes soft
03. When the inflammation is completely cured if there was any infection.
Special Features of VIEW’s eye revision
Customized Surgery: Diagnose and grasp the failed pre-surgery’s exact reason, and then proceed surgery suit one’s individuals conditions.
Performed By Medical Specialists: The medical specialist with a lot of clinical experience and aesthetic sense performs the surgery.
Minimum Scar: The surgical procedure minimizes scars from the operation, eases the burden of the reoperation and try to achieve a natural-looking appearance.
When you need eye reoperation
1. Double eyelids are too thick and look like sausages
In case first surgery used incision
- Lower the eyelid crease and the incision wound or remove tissues looking like sausage.
In case first surgery used non-incision method
- Loosen the stitched part from the burial within 2 weeks after the surgery and reposition the eyelid crease.
- However, if it has been over 2 weeks after the surgery, perform reoperation using incision because synechia is already underway
In case first surgery underestimated blepharoptosis
- Incision must be performed to lower the double eyelid height, blepharoptosis and remove the fat looking like sausage for a thinner and more natural double eyelid.
2. If double eyelid crease is too thin or low
Too shallow double eyelid crease
- Loosen the knot in the existing eyelid and make the double eyelid crease in line with a slightly higher crease.
Thin double eyelid crease due to sagging skin above the incision line
- Use the incision and remove the sagging skin tissues for revision
3. Asymmetric Eyelids
Different heights of the double eyelid crease
- Loosen the knot in the existing double eyelid crease and create a double eyelid crease in line with the desired line.
- You can correct one side only or both eyelids
If double eyelid crease is loose on one side
- Set up the same knot strength on the double eyelid crease
Different force in open the eyes due to blepharoptosis
- Correct the eye with a weaker muscle.
4. Indistinct or loose double eyelid crease
If there is a need to remove muscle or fat
- Use the incision method to set up the eyelid crease and remove the tissues between the old and new double eyelid creases.
If there is no need to remove muscle or fat
- Use partial incision for the revision surgery.
5. In case multiple layers has formed in double eyelid creases
Lossen the adhered tissues causing the multiple layers of double eyelid creases to remove all the existing lines and reposition the double eyelid creases.
6. Similar to appearance before the surgery or insufficient image improvement
In case first surgery underestimated blepharoptosis
- Properly change the existing double eyelid crease depending on the skin condition, adjust the muscles for opening the eyes and other tissues, and strengthen the opening force of the eyes.
In case first surgery underestimated horizontal length of the eyes so that the eyes look stuffy.
- We can make the ideal proportion of the eyes for the patient through performing epicanthoplasty, lateral canthoplasty, lower canthoplasty