Fat grafting FAQ: Answered by research and science-backed articles.
Here are scientifically-backed answers to the most FAQ of fat grafting:
- What is fat grafting?
Fat grafting is a relatively new phenomenon. Many clients request fat grafting to achieve a fuller and youthful look. The growing popularity of fat grafting is glamourized by suctioning out subcutaneous fat from unwanted areas, such as abdomen, thighs or arms and volumizing to areas that need fat such as cheeks, breasts or lips.
- What purpose does fat grafting serve?
The main reason for fat grafting is to treat skin depression. Ideally, people sort to find a solution through fillers or botox. Though certified injectables are relatively safe, they do not last for more than 1 year. Whereas, fat injections are permanent after 6months. - How much of the fat survives?
The fat survival rate depends on the surgeon and individuals. Overall, data shows that the average fat survival rate is 70%-80%.
Researchers conclude that a range of factors such as harvesting techniques, patient fat quality, area/volume of injection and centrifugation will optimize fat cell survival. Plus, a slower injection of fat resulted in higher retention of fat.
Hence, it is not just important to go to a certified surgeon for safety reasons (although that is top priority) but if you would like your fat survival to be high — go to the right surgeons.
- Fat grafting breast reconstruction VS Breast implants?
Fat grafting: using your own fat but 100% of the fat does not survive. There may be inadequate amounts of fat for liposuction — slim women are not ideal candidates, as they do not facilitate enough fat to suction out. Additionally, the increase in size and fat survival results are unpredictable.
Breast implants: Risk of rupturing implants increases as the years go, not recommended to leave breasts implants for more than 10–15years. On the brighter note, very predictable results hence, patients are able to dictate the final results.
- Facial fat grafting or Fillers?
Many clients agonize over whether fillers or fat grafting will restore their youthful look.
Fat grafting: According to Gornitsky et al., (2019) 4577 patients with various facial defects were treated with autologous fat grafting. The study objective was to evaluate the effectiveness and complications of autologous fat grafting to treatment contour deformities in the facial region. Out of the total of 4577 patients, 104 patients reported complications — the side effects were as low as 2%. Since, fat grafting has a surgical element — liposuction — it requires downtime.
Fat grafting is never a procedure done alone, it is mostly done with liposuction. For example, fat grafting is done with additional procedures — Lipo + PRP + Fat Grafting or Eyes + Mastectomy + Lumpectomy + Fat Grafting.
For more information about liposuction: https://www.viewplasticsurgery.com/lipo-fat-graft-faq/
Fillers: Non-invasive and requires no downtime. Long terms side effects are low and the vast majority of chronic inflammatory reaction is related to foreign bodies.
It is widely known that hyaluronic acid-derived products are an FDA approved — very popular filler. They are known to last 4–6months but research finds that fillers might last much longer than the proposed months. According to Bennet and Taher 2005, one case study showed the continued presence of fillers lasted up to 23 months post-implantation. Despite the lasting duration of fillers there a very low chance of long term side effect if gone to a certified and safe doctor.
VIEW Plastic Surgery Hospital Fat Graft Before & After
Kim, Il Hwan, Jung Dug Yang, Dong Gul Lee, Ho Yun Chung, and Byung Chae Cho. “Evaluation of Centrifugation Technique and Effect of Epinephrine on Fat Cell Viability in Autologous Fat Injection.”
Vol 29, Issue 1: Jan/Feb 2009. doi.org/10.1016/j.asj.2008.09.004
Gornitsky, Jordan. Alex Vizel-Mathieu, Nayif Alnaif, Alain Joe Azzi, Mirko S. Gilardino. “A systematic review of the effectiveness and complications of fat grafting in the facial region.” Vol 19: March 2018. doi.org/10.1016/j.jpra.2018.12.004