Madonna is a diva known all over the world! She is known not only for her amazing music career, but also for her charity work, support of the LGBT movement, and participation in many humanitarian programs in Africa countries. As a person, she is known as the most hardworking lady in the industry! Can you believe that she is almost 60? I cant, especially looking at her face! She doesn’t look a day over 30! And of course, this fact alone is the reason a lot of people claim that she is the one who did a lot of “beauty work” done, meaning that there are some plastic surgeries are involved. So let’s dig deep into these rumors and find out for ourselves if this is true or not.
Face Lift
Face Lift is one of the most effective procedures to gain back your youth and because of that a lot of people suggesting that Madonna had at least one. And some even argue that there was more than one Face Lift. Actually it is very hard to find out if Face Lift was done because this procedure leaves just a couple of small scars near the ears, which is easy to cover with hairs or makeup. There are several Before & After photos where Madonna definitely looks younger than she did before. Here is one of these photos. What do you think about this Lifting theory after looking at it?
Fillers are one of the main tools in antiaging and the reason for that is that they fill the volume that is vanishing as we age. Also, they are a great help in wrinkle removal. If we look at some of the Madonna photos we can definitely see that there was an improvement in her face in both of these departments. For example, the photo we have below. The difference is very obvious there. No wrinkles around her eyes and nasolabial fold are almost disappeared. So many people argue that all of this is thanks to fillers, but because Madonna doesn’t tell about this openly we cannot say for sure.
Let’s forget about how young Madonna look now (at the age of 59!), and look back on the old rumors. There were times where people were crazy about the rumor of Madonna’s rhinoplasty. And thanks for that we have pretty big storage of comparison photos to see and decide for ourselves. So here is the photo and as we can see their difference is pretty big. So it seems that the nose tip on the old photo is big and almost hooked and the alar base is pretty wide. On the photo of the latest version of Madonna, we can see that nose has a more accurate shape and smaller in size. What do you think, is it photoshop in work or these alterations were done with the scalpel?