3 min readFeb 24, 2020


This customized surgery moves the chin forward to make a natural-looking and beautiful facial outline through procedures such as Front chin advancement, T osteotomy advancement, and implant insertion. The exact method is chosen depending on the individual’s features.

What is short chin surgery?

Short chin surgery is the one that moves a sunken chin forward. This surgery is used when the dental occlusion is correct but the chin is weak. It relocates the tip of the chin forward creating a defined chin line and more proportional facial features.

A condition, when the chin is sunken and there is a malocclusion of upper and lower teeth, is called micrograntia (undersized lower jaw). It can be corrected with a bimaxillary osteotomy (two-jaw surgery) which adjusts the positions of the jaws.


The bone scalpel is an ultrasonic device that cuts the bones by responding only to the bone tissues.

It has less vibration (within 0.5mm), enabling a very precise surgery, protects nearby blood vessels and nerves by responding only to bones, thus causing less tissue damage and bleeding and providing quick recovery.

When Short chin surgery is needed?

If you have a sunken lower jaw

If you have a small lower jaw

If you have protruding upper teeth

If you have an unclear boundary between the chin and neck

If you look like you have a lot of fat in the chin and have wrinkles due to the short chin

If you often hear that you look dull

Surgery types

Front chin (chin tip) advancement

This procedure cuts the sunken bone to the length needed for the advancement and moves it forward. The chin length can be adjusted depending on the angle of bone resection. This helps to create a natural-looking jawline.

1. The lower chin bone is cut avoiding the neural gland.

2. The receding chin bone is moved forward.

T osteotomy advancement

This procedure reduces and corrects the width of the chin to create a slimmer and more beautiful chin line.

1. T osteotomy cut: The chin is cut in a “T” shape avoiding the neural gland. Then the middle bone fragment is removed.

2. Gather cut bones: Remained bones are moved to each other and forward

3. Shaving off bones: Chin bone is accurately shaved to create a smooth chin line.


The implant is molded in the shape of the desired chin bone. After that this implant is inserted into the front side of the chin bone through a small incision in the oral cavity. It firmly fixed to stay in the right position while talking or eating.

1. Insert the implant.

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