VIEW PLASTIC SURGERY: Park Joo Hee’s Real Experience with Facial Contour + Fat Grafting Surgery

5 min readOct 8, 2020


My whole life I have been worried about my masculine and fierce image because of my protruded cheekbones and square jaw. I was thinking about getting facial contouring, but since it was a big surgery, I wanted to properly search for an adequate hospital, so I was asking my acquaintances about it the procedures and their personal experience and recently I got to know about VIEW plastic surgery through a friend who had facial contouring with them. Just because the hospital is big it doesn’t mean that it should be trusted. I felt safe and secured the day I went for consultation because there were a lot of patient that day being assisted and treated well. During consultation, I told my doctor that I wanted to correct the angular jaws rather than being unnatural jaw line. My doctor will listen and checked on my case very carefully. Therefore, I felt more confident and trusted my doctor that the surgery will be safe. That made me determine for my surgery right away!


I was struggling to move my head around because my face was really swollen right after surgery. It was challenging and discomforting but time is the answer for faster recovery. I went through a liquid diet and was precautions of what I was eating and walked a lot to help my swelling subside quicker. I could see the recovery accelerating for maintaining it as I was told.
Even though, it was a very invasive surgery I did a lot of research from other patient who had undergone the same procedures. I realized that most of them said that the surgery I got done through general anesthesia is not painful but the recovery process was very hard. Thus, I couldn’t agree more. Moreover, VIEW has provided me deswelling treatment and my doctor took really good care of me doing constant follow after my surgery as well. I really enjoyed it. As the swelling subsided from day to day, the results after facial contouring got exposed even more , which made it more comparable to my old face. I had to walk around a lot to get rid of my swelling. So I purposely made plans with my friends and family to walk around more and heard from them that my face is not sunken anymore and that I got prettier. I had no fat on my face whatsoever that caused my face really flat and sunken with no dimension which made me look older than my actual age. Fat grafting definitely fixed the problem. I don’t know what it is but ever since my face shape has changed after surgery the environment and my image drastically changed. It feels different when I touch my jaw line as well I can tell that my square jaw had reduced a lot and I don’t cover my face anymore. My overall face doesn’t look prominent therefore I am able to style more and take more photos and selfie trying different angles. It changed my life completely.

Even though I think it is vital to look natural after surgery , thus it is equally important to see changes before and after surgery. I persuaded for a more natural outcome than worrying that I would look too different comparing with my old look. As for Fat grafting procedure is was to fill out the sunken area of face. I indeed could see that I looked younger. I had a very bumpy face structure, and also lack of facial fat. Sunken areas made me look fierce and made me feel like man, but now I can tell that the impression has faded and my peers keep mentioning that my facial structure got smoother. I always photoshopped my face structure because I always had a very wide square jaw but I don’t need to do it anymore so I took A LOT of pictures. I could really tell the difference before and after getting Cheekbone & Square Jaw reduction. My goal was to look younger instead of getting a drastic change I’d really feel empty if I didn’t do it! I’m so satisfied that it’s been revealed that you improved your image, which used to look tired and empty. I was in a darkest mood, and my doctor found my light.

The one thing that got better after the surgery is my confidence! Even Before the surgery, I used to cover my face with my head because of my strong features. Now I’ve gained confidence, so I’m always showing my face and trying to look more confident in styling. As a result, I have more confidence in my personality than before, so I try to be confident anywhere.





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