VIEWlog: Gender surgery (FFS)
To the global LGBT communities: VIEW hospitals understand that sex reassignment surgeries are life-altering. The LGBT community is accepted at VIEW and we prioritize health and care very seriously.
We just want you to live your best life!
Before you just ‘YES’ into any surgical hospital, here are some things to prepare and research before your consultation.
- Surgical enhancement: Which bodily parts do you want to enhance? Would you rather have them booties popping? OR a straighter/defined nose? Readily prepare to tell your medical history, whether it is life long illness or previous surgeries (including botox, fillers etc) or allergies, BE PREPARED!
- Certified plastic surgery hospital: Good news, if you decide to have surgery with us, VIEW is a certified plastic surgery hospital.
Check out our website (bottom right-hand corner): - Check out their before and after surgeries: This is crucial for your decision-making process. I mean, honey, who wants to look like another tragedy in the new season of Botched? Am I right or am I right?
The most common requests we receive at VIEW Hospital from male transgender clients are FFS (Facial feminization surgery). These include slimmer jawline, reduction of cheekbones, nose, forehead and breast augmentation.
We will have you know, transgender model Briana Alvarez selected our hospital to work on her breasts and facial feminization.
Here is a layout of her journey:
Briana was biologically born as a male. From childhood, Briana unwittingly made it clear to her family and peers that she did not identify as a male. After being enlightened to this world of gender reassignment surgery. She decided to undergo breast surgery and FFS (Facial feminization surgery) with VIEW hospital.
BEFORE breast surgery photos:
Consultation time!
After her consultation, she booked her breast augmentation and FFS surgery. After pictures show a much-feminized version of herself, slimmer weir, nose, defined forehead and not to mention breasts! She had a very successful recovery and living her best life!
AFTER breast surgery photos:
When asked what she was going to do with her new body and face, she replied that she plans to flaunt it, especially during spring break. Look at her go! Bring all the boys to the yard!
Looking fabulous Briana!
If this sounds like something you are interested in.
Please book a consultation or reach out to us online.